Working together, we have made significant strides in developing the VCSE partnership.
Accelerating Impact
Agreeing on a working model that takes a three-tier approach to sector development – download our 3ST Structure document below.
Developing and signing off on a set of Governing and Joint Working Principles. Download our principles below.
Securing recognition by the Integrated Care System (ICS) and seats on the main ICS Board and other Boards that make up the new North West London (NWL) structure.
Appointing a small Leadership team that reports to the wider group of charities and leads the NWL work in particular.
Inclusion in the national NHS England Third Sector Leadership program, which brings an investment of 18 months of funding to support our development.
Appeared as a case study for NHS England (NHSE) and showcased our work at a range of workshops and learning events. Download the 3ST NHSE Case study below.
Tested our joint work by developing a pan-NWL, programmatic series of three bids to the NHS Charities Together Fund. Whilst not all were successful it was a useful exercise to test our joint working and shared decision-making